I avoided writing anything about COVID-19 for over a year. Wishful thinking and positivity leads me to thinking we are more than past the halfway mark. But who knows? And that is why I decided to finally write this post.
It is so hard to plan for the future as it can be very susceptible to change. Eighteen months ago, I had regular classes with steady attendance. Then fast forward to March 2020 and it all changed. I don’t deal all that well with change usually and I have to admit, it was hard. In fact, so difficult, that I was at a loss as to what to do next. Had I really put in all that work to create classes where people felt welcome and comfortable, just for it to disappear overnight? Something else I tried to avoid was moaning about it on social media. It was happening to everyone, not just me.
Therefore, after some uncertainty, I did whatever I could to try and re-establish my business for the lockdown environment. Since then, I have tried many things. Here is the list so far:
- Creation of a YouTube channel with both free and paid-for videos of yoga sessions and relaxation.
- Online classes and guided relaxations using Zoom.
- Stories for children told via Facebook Live.
- Completed my Pregnancy yoga qualification.
- Implemented an electronic mindfulness course, including downloadable audio files.
- A daily pose or breathing technique for children.
- Development of my website with the option of subscribing to a mailing list.
- Established a private Facebook group for Rethink users.
- Designed a 5-week online course Get (Back) Into Yoga.
- Started a podcast (Not Just Yoga) to promote yoga and local businesses.
As with most things, some worked better than others. I’m still learning and will continue to do so. My knowledge of technology has definitely increased and I have received help from several people who have guided me in the right direction. I don’t often use quotes in my posts, but I am going to end with something which I think is very fitting for the present.